Saturday, October 10, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Son Michael Duane Walmer
I can see that he is very tired and weary as the traveling does get very difficult after about six months.
Travel on my weary son. You will complete your travels and be back in the country that God has called you to.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I told her the story of the Three Bears and she wanted to tell me the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She knew all the details and she was very animated in telling me how little red riding hood went through the woods with her basket.When Laci was four years old, she loved to tell stories and read lots of books. We would play "school" when she would come to visit me or I would babysit for the day.
As she told me the story, she came to the part where the man (wolf) was asking her what she had in the basket. She explained to the man, (wolf). The wolf left her and was going to the grand mothers house to hurt her, or worse.
Laci told me, " Little red riding hood reached into her pocket and got her cell phone and called her Grandmother and told her the wolf was going to get her so get in the closet quick".
I tried hard to not laugh but knew she was a modern little girl, who is used to the cell phone and just figurerd that Little Red Riding Hood had one also.
What a modern age we live in and what smart grand children we have today!
After all the years have gone by and here he is with his own family and he has brought us much joy and pleasure through the years. The children are precious; Savannah Love and Laci Joy. Each one is more precious than the other. Soon we will have another little girl to add to this picture; anytime now in August 09. Maybe today?
Stephen is pastor on staff in Stockton, CA. We are grateful for this miracle in our life and in our sons life. He always said he would NEVER be a preacher like his dad or his older brother. But, alas, God had other plans.
A gift from God, he came to us on Dec 28. He is our special gift that keeps on blessing and blessing.
Christian Lucas and Jonathan Michael are their sons. Christian is an A student and travels with his parents in the states raising the funds to go to Uruguay. He has felt the presence of the Lord many times and I belive someday he will be called to work for the Lord also. He is very tender towards the things of God.
Jonathan is in Florida and is working in the computer area. He studied computers in Brazil and was able to get a very good job in the first few weeks of coming to the states. God was good to him in that regard.
Seeing them grow up and not be with them is difficult but we pray for them and love them dearly.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Daughter Rachel Mardell and Stephanie and Vanessa
children, nor my grandchildren. So, there is one way I can do that and that is through
pictures. I have a lot of them. Pictures that some would say, " you have too many".
That is a matter of opinion of course, and I shall be entittled to mine. Having the
Pictures is the way I deal with the feelings of loneliness that comes to me ever
so often. So, if I post a few pictures it is because I enjoy looking at them. Humor me.
Rachel and her girls are very precious to me and to my husband. She is so much like her father in so many ways. She works hard at what she does and never stops until she has finished her project. She has unending enery.
She teaches high school students who do not speak English. She can teach anyone anything. It is a true gift from God. One day, I hope to see her using her talents in the ministry. She will be a blessing to many when that day comes.
Stephanie and Vanessa are two girls who won our hearts the day we saw them. Each one is special and so precious to us. They are great students and are excelling in all their subjects. May God use each of them for His glory.
God has blessed me in so many ways. I have no treasures in my purse, only the children God allowed me to have. Michael Duane, Nathan Wayne, Rachel Mardell and Stephen Andrew. They are my treasures and I think and pray for them every day.
I have seen them at their very best and at their very worst. I have seen them through sickness, pain, joy and seeing them recieve the Holy Spirit into their lives.
I have seen them marry and knew they were struggling to make ends meet. I have seen them worship God when I knew it was very hard to do so. I have seen them discouraged to the point, I was not sure they would continue to love and serve God; but they did. Each time they have proved to me that God is with them also and that life to them is precious as they serve the Lord.
Each one has given me immense joy.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Consider this today.
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day not enough is, remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full . . . They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous, "yes."
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
“Now," .said the professor, as the laughter subsided.
“I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
• The golf balls are the important things . . . God, family,
children, health, friends, and favorite passions . . . things that if everything else
was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
• The pebbles are the other things that matter . . . like your job,
house, and car.
• The sand is everything else . . . the small stuff."
" If you put the sand into the jar first," . . he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff,
you will never have room for the things that are important to you."
“So . Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
• Play with your children.
• Take time to get medical checkups.
• Take your partner out to dinner.
• Listen when your mate speaks to you; really listen.
• Be a friend to someone who needs a friend.
There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
Take care of the golf balls first . . the things that really matter.
Set your priorities . . . the rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee
represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked . . . it just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem . . . there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
What is HE to you?
Monday, May 11, 2009
On the same day I read about the economy in the USA and know that it is really bad and many people are suffering daily because of it. Thousands have lost their jobs due to bad decisions of our government. Sad to say, but it is true. How can a country spend more than it brings in? Raise taxes! So now, all those who are not working can collect from the government money it does not have unless they take it from the PEOPLE.
I am of the opinion that most folks have forgotten to "make do" with what they have. Making do does not mean you can never do better, but it is the understanding that for now we can not do or go or buy what we THINK we need.
There is a huge difference between needs and wants. Most people in the United States do not understand this whatsoever. Sorry, but that is my thought. It is my blog!
Living in Brazil for so many years has helped me to see another side of life. How can so many people in the world be content to have so little, while there are others who have so much already and are not at all content in thier life.
Now days it is easier to just go in debt rather than just "make do" until the money is available to do more.
No one wants to just "make do" with what they have. If they can't have something new or better than others around them then they feel they are being left out or they feel underpriviledged.
The thought is now days........"will it match my decor? "if not, then I could not possibily use that".
Is it the right color? if not, then I could not possibly use it".
"Throw out all those decorations as in the new house they would not fit in".
Some folks only know how to make do with what they have. They accept the fact it is impossible to have a refrigerator for now, so they will just get by until they can afford to buy one that works. That would be difficult for me to do, but I know many who can not afford the luxury of a way to keep milk or water cold. Yet, they don't whine and cry about it day and night but just plan towards the day when they can. They use what they have ability to pay for until they can do better.
I admire this way of life. I guess I have been here in Brazil to long and known to many people who I admire a great deal who live with so little and yet they are really happy and find contentment in having a bit less of this worlds goods and pleasures.
Maybe some would say I have a "salvation army" attitude. Maybe I have had to "make do" for so long it is a way of life. Is being content with little a bad thing? I don't think so. Godliness with contentment is great gain.
Grandmothers Hands
Grandma, some ninety plus years, sat feebly on the patio bench. She didn't move, just sat with her head down staring at her hands.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
So, what can we do about it? Write to your President and tell him what you think. Remember, if enough of us write him, he will know he has to please the people at some point in his time in office. This is only one example.
Mr. Ted Kennedy has sponsored the bill and it has passed. Read about it by going on the internet and make up your own mind. HR1388. Could it be history is repeating what they did in Germany so long ago?
I write the President about all the things I can do nothing about because I am not elected to "represent" the people. Now, we have been told that anyone who does not accept Abortion on demand, has a gun in thier home, belives in a man marrying a women instead of another man, or believes people should have permission to live in this country if they are from another country. All those kind of people are now considered "threats" to our country as they are the right wing conservatives.
Our government gave billions to Hamas in Palestine so they could end up shooting more Israeles and yet we at home are now considered dangerous because we belive in conservative values.
Well, if you have a complaint, you had better get out your pen and paper and send a letter to the Senator or your state or the President of the USA. Remember, He is the top man; the angry people will be heard sooner or later. It seems more folks getter madder by the minute. It does not matter what the news casters tell you; the folks are home are not happy.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Remembering when......
What you are looking at in this picture is a creek that is below the house, down the hill, from where I grew up. It was a delightful place to play and all my cousins and I, and others who came to my house would go there. It was the first thing everyone wanted to do; lets go to the creek.
We would run ourside, climb down the embankment and hang on to the bushes and trees to get closer to the water and then we would play in the creek. It was fun.
There were crawdads in the creek. I guess that would be a crab of a sort. I know I used to catch them and bring them home to my mom. Sometimes we had 30 of them in a pool of water at our house. I don´t recall ever eating one as the water was contaminated even back then, but we would play with them then take them back to the creek. How we enjoyed finding them.
Sometimes the creek would overflow its boundries and in the winter a city block (where the creek was located in a huge hole near our house) would be flooded and a torrent of water would go through the conduits the city had put in our creek. It was frightening to say the least and yet we would go and just watch the water as it flooded by us and took everything in its sight. We stayed up far away from the water of course, but it was fun and fasinating to see it going by down below.
When things would get back to normal we would begin our times of exploration at the creek. There was always new trails to follow and some even down to the might river Willamatte. It was a big river and our little Perriwikle creek would flow into that one.
Why do I write about that time of my life today? Strange, but it seems I now wonder what in the world my mom was thinking to allow me to play in such a place. There was a railroad track beside my house, and a lot of "travelers" were on those trains. They were not paying passengers but just people who traveled on box cars. Sometimes they would get off and go down to our creek.
It was a dangerous place to play, in that we could have slipped and fallen into the creek and no one would have known for hours. There was so many places we could have been badly injured there but not once did we ever think of that. Now, I know I would NEVER have allowed my kids to play there. Well, at least I don´t think I would have.
Those days were so different. There were evil people then as there has been since the beginning but nothing in the magnitude of today. Peoples minds today are continually on evil and what they can do to promote their evil ideas. Our laws have it is easy for evil men to become wealthy exploiting others.
Society today has accepted bad behaviour as "normal" or a "choice" and nothing more. Freedom has given the worst of us to prey on the innocent and be accepted as having a different way of living or thinking about what is correct or what is normal.
Normal has become a setting on the dryer and nothing more.
I saw the picture of Perriwikle creek and it made me remember a different day. One where the people had a code of life that was intererly different from todays. Many things in our world today are good and many improvements have been made. These have made our life better in many ways. But, there is a change that has come to all of America. We are accepting more and more the things we used to believe were wrong. It would seem to me there is little that is "wrong" anymore. Do whatever seems good to YOU to do........that is the message of today.
I for one, do not agree and still believe there is a right way to live and a wrong way to live. God has decided that and it was a long time ago.
Hugs for all who take the time to read this thought today.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Landmarks. Something that happens in a persons life that marks that period of their life that could never be forgotten.
Long ago I experienced somehting in my life that has been a "pillar" of strengh to me.
We were planning to go to Brazil as missionaries and it seemed at the time there were many obstacles in our path of ever seeing the land that we knew God had called us to.
I remember standing at my kitchen sink washing dishes and I was praying and asking God to help us in our situation and provide the way for us to get to Brazil. I was very depressed and praying as I washed my dishes. God understands no matter what some might say or think. He does care and he does understand our difficulties of this life.
I remember how I was praying and wanting to belive in a miracle for our family, when I truely felt God´s love and his arms around me. I felt so much comfort that day; it was so real to me.
I was not discouraged any longer. I had felt God´s presence. I knew HE was with me and HE would see to it our needs were met.
That has been over 35 years ago. We have been in Brazil all these years and that experience has been a "pillar" in my life. I look back and remember what God did then and I can look ahead because of that day and KNOW that what God did for me then, HE will do again for me. I will always look back to see the many pillars God has set in my path.
I can not see the future nor do I want to see the hard times ahead of me, but one thing I know when life throws me a curve and I think surely I will not make it past this trial, I will remember, what God has done, He will do again. I do not know how, or when or anything about it but I know God is real and He delights in helping HIS own.
Thank God for the gift of remembering.
Love to you all who joined me today in reading my thoughts.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Share the Secret
One day, one friend asked another, "How is it that you are always so happy? You have so much energy, and you never seem to get down."
With her eyes smiling, she said, "I know the Secret!" "What secret is that?" To which she replied, "I'll tell you all about it, but you have to promise toshare the Secret with others."
"The Secret is this: I have learned there is little I can doin my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God to make me happy and to meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust God to supply according to HIS riches.I have learned most of the time I don't need half of what I think I do. He has never let me down. Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy."
The questioner's first thought was, "That's too simple!"But upon reflecting over his own life he recalled how he thought a bigger house would make him happy, but it didn't! He thought a better paying jobwould make him happy, but it hadn't. When did he realize his greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with his grandchildren, playing games, eating pizza or reading a story, a simple gift from God.
Now you know it too! We can't depend on people to make us happy. Only GOD in His infinite wisdom can do that. Trust HIM! And now I pass the Secret on to you! So once you get it, what will you do?
YOU have to tell someone the Secret, too! That GOD in His wisdom will take care of YOU!But it's not really a secret... We just have to believe it and do it... Really trust God!
Graphics By: Mark C. PhillipsAuthor of message unknown
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A Day to Remember
Easter is a day the Lord told us to remember. We are to remember his Death, Burial and His Ressurection.
As I look around, hear the news, see the pictures and hear the talk I think most people have no clue what today represents to them as an individual or to their family or to the human race.
Jesus purchased our salvation on the cross. He willing died for all of us. No one was left out; even those who had crucified Him that terrible day.
If I do anything today, I would want it to be my remembering his sacrifice by telling him Thank you many times. Thanking him for my salvation and all he gave me that day long before I was born.
Thank Him for the fact he did rise again and lives for evermore. Our whole gospel is wrapped up in that fact. He is not dead. He is alive. What a wonderful message. Let us never forget that message.
I would love to see you today and give you a hug and tell you that Jesus lives for evermore.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Good Thoughts in our troublesome times.
In looking over our bookshelf this past few days, I found some lost treasures. Books that were given to us by my father in law, Ralph Walmer. These books are old, but the messages they contain are uptodate in thought.
Enjoy this short poem that I post today in this blog. As I am not a poet, nor have I ever wanted to be a poet or prose writer, I shall leave it to you to decide if the message is true or not.
You May Lead a Horse
You may lead a horse to water
But you cannot make him drink.
You may send a boy to college
But you cannot make him think.
You may preach some men a sermon
but you´ll never change their way,
They will go right on tomorrow
As they´ve started out today.
You may tell them to be banking
but they´ll never save a cent;
You may urge them to be building
But they´ll keep on paying rent.
You may write a lot of verses
that you´ll never see in print.
You may tell a bore you´re busy
but he´ll never take a hint.
You may lead some men to business
but they´ll never make a start.
You may show some men their duty
but they´ll never do their part.
You may dress some folks in satin
but you´ll never change their looks;
you may give some folks a book store
but they´ll never read the books.
you may lead a horse to water,
but you´ll find this true, I think:
That unless the horse is thristy,
There´s no way to make him drink.
W. J. Burtscher
In thinking of all the folks I have met along the way of lifes road. People that had great opportunities to make a good life while on this earth, but instead, wasted every opportunity. Mainly the reason being .... no desire, no thrist, no desire, no desire..........without desire to do or be what is there? A life without a goal is a wasted life to be sure.
Looking back is easier than looking ahead. To see where one has been is easy but to look ahead is not an easy task. In thinking of this I see how important it is to be in God´s hands and have Him in control of our lives. He is the counsellor we have claim to.