Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Thoughts for Today..............

Thoughts are like a breath of air; some are fresh and some are quite stale. As I get older and sometimes wiser, I think that some of my thoughts need improvement. My hind sights are better than my foresites. I do not like that but it is a true fact of my life.

Will there be regrets later on? I suppose. At the moment I will try do what I believe is the right thing to do; I will pray I get it right the first time around.

A man who I greatly admired once told me as he lay on his bed of pain and suffering; "Linda, we are all on stage only once and we must make the very best of the time we have on that stage".He passed away a few months later. His words linger on in my memory and I want to do my very best to be the best I can while I can. In this life.............there will be no second chance.

My thoughts are with you tonight. Always wondering what each of you are doing.

God bless you,

Mom/ Linda

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A cold day in Southern Brazil, SA

Today is Sunday and it is a very cold day. I have a little space heater going beside my desk so that helps a lot to keep the cold from "taking over". If I had my way I would just go to bed, but then one can not spend all the time in bed just because it is cold. So,, I will do what needs to be done today.

We are reapairing our house and hope to have it done soon. We will be leaving for a new city/post in Brazil. We will be moving soon to the hotter climates. I do not dread it but do not look forward to the heat. I am sure we will face many new challenges but also know we will meet some new people who have been waiting for our arrival.

Those folks who are waiting for us do not know we are coming, neither have they ever heard of us, but the Lord is directing our steps and HE will lead us to those very people. I guess I could say they will have a "meeting with a new way of living" when they meet us. Well, that is the wayI am looking at it. There is good in everything if we will only look for it. Even in a move to a far away place.

John the disciple was in the spirt on the Lords day and he was exilled to the isle of patmos for a very long time. Yet, he was in the spirit on the Lords day. So, I take that as meaning no matter where I may be, I need to be "in the spirit and always feel God's presence in my life.

God is near and HE is good.

Love to all of you who bother to read my thoughts.
