Thursday, August 7, 2008

My Thoughts for Today..............

Thoughts are like a breath of air; some are fresh and some are quite stale. As I get older and sometimes wiser, I think that some of my thoughts need improvement. My hind sights are better than my foresites. I do not like that but it is a true fact of my life.

Will there be regrets later on? I suppose. At the moment I will try do what I believe is the right thing to do; I will pray I get it right the first time around.

A man who I greatly admired once told me as he lay on his bed of pain and suffering; "Linda, we are all on stage only once and we must make the very best of the time we have on that stage".He passed away a few months later. His words linger on in my memory and I want to do my very best to be the best I can while I can. In this life.............there will be no second chance.

My thoughts are with you tonight. Always wondering what each of you are doing.

God bless you,

Mom/ Linda

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A cold day in Southern Brazil, SA

Today is Sunday and it is a very cold day. I have a little space heater going beside my desk so that helps a lot to keep the cold from "taking over". If I had my way I would just go to bed, but then one can not spend all the time in bed just because it is cold. So,, I will do what needs to be done today.

We are reapairing our house and hope to have it done soon. We will be leaving for a new city/post in Brazil. We will be moving soon to the hotter climates. I do not dread it but do not look forward to the heat. I am sure we will face many new challenges but also know we will meet some new people who have been waiting for our arrival.

Those folks who are waiting for us do not know we are coming, neither have they ever heard of us, but the Lord is directing our steps and HE will lead us to those very people. I guess I could say they will have a "meeting with a new way of living" when they meet us. Well, that is the wayI am looking at it. There is good in everything if we will only look for it. Even in a move to a far away place.

John the disciple was in the spirt on the Lords day and he was exilled to the isle of patmos for a very long time. Yet, he was in the spirit on the Lords day. So, I take that as meaning no matter where I may be, I need to be "in the spirit and always feel God's presence in my life.

God is near and HE is good.

Love to all of you who bother to read my thoughts.


Monday, June 30, 2008

A cold day..........

Today is Monday and to be honest; it is my favorite day of the week. Maybe I have the feel that it is a new beginning for me. All clean slate before me and I have seven days before me to do a lot of right things and do them well.

Brazil is home for me again.We have been here since the middle of April and we are glad to be home. I say "we" because that includes my husband, Philip. We are happy to be here. while a lot of Brasilians are planning their "get away" to the land of the rich and free.......we are glad to be here by CHOICE.

It is cold now and the house has not central heat but we have small electric heaters that keep us warm and cozy at least most of the time. We suffer for nothing and for that I am thankful. So many people find it easy to just complain about the life they have. So, it is cold? Well, tomorrow or next month it will be hot and then others will be complaining. So, no one is ever totatly pleased about the weather.

If I am cold, i will put on some more clothes, a scarf or another sweater. At least this way there is no heat bill to worry about, as there is no heat.

Finding peace in a storm is sometims a hard thing to do. However, there is peace that comes to a person who knows the future is secure because God is showing you the way to walk, and everything is going to turn out alright no matter what comes down the road. If worring would help, then I would be a much bigger worrier than I am. But, it doesn't help a person, so I try not to indulge myself in a worry party. It is a waste of time.

I will share with you a picture of Philip and myself on the coast of Brazil in the Northeast of this great country. We were resting for amoment and took these pictures. Enjoy.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Some folks have very shiny shoes and they keep them that way. Some folks have shoes that are well used and are not so shiny. All in all everyone uses shoes in one way or another.

Some people are lazy and their shoes never get much use. they use slippers as they don't go out much. Others need many pair of shoes as they do lots of work, go lots of places and use each pair till is nothing left to be used.

My husband is a man who has many jobs each day. He is always busy and never quits. He enjoys work and can lay down at night feeling that he gave the day his very best.

The shoes in the picture were throw away before we left for Brazil. Our wonderful son took them out of the trash and took a picture of them for us. He wanted his dad to never forget these shoes. They were well worn,dirty and smelly as they had been used for months doing a lot of jobs getting ready to pack up and leave for Brazil.

Let these shoes be a symbol of those who work hard and leave a lot for others to do the same. Hard honest work never hurt anyone and perhaps these worn out shoes will spur someone on to do a better job than usual.

I will save this picture. They show me a man who gives his all to whatever he has to do.

He will go from handy man to minister again in Brazil. May God always have someone near by to fill these shoes when he can no longer walk the journey.

Thanks for reading my thoughts.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Has it occured to you?

Today is a Saturday. Sleep in day and cleaning day for most of us. It seems to be a good day to do what needs to be done.

Having a heart right with God is the most important. I thank God for all HE has done, is doing and will do in my life.

Today is a great day to be thankful!

I am glad I am alive.

Just my thoughts about today.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


TODAY is a great day to celebrate as our only daughter has a birthday and celebrates once again the fact that she was born. we are happy to be the parents of Rachel as she is a beautiful girl with lots to offer this world.
She is a teacher at West highschool in Tracy, Ca.and teaches in three languages when needed.
Living in Brazil for the most part of her life has helped her to learn many things that the usual student in public school in American does not get the opportunity. Learning another language is one of those opportunities.

We are wishing her the best day ever as this is her special day.
We also thank the Lord for each day He has allowed us to be a part of her life.


We love you.

Mom and Dad

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thankfullness is a gift

Being thankful is an art that some folks seem to never have aquired. In my old fashioned way of thinking I do beleive that being thankful is a blessing in ones life that many just do not have.

How much does it cost to say "thank you"? Not much. Just alittle effort on the part of the one who has recieved something.

It could be a gift, a kindness, a rememberance or just somehting that was done to another in the way of a kindness. A thank you is not required but it is always appreciated.

I am not sure what to do with people who never say "thanks". I am tempted to never send another gift, never remember that birthday or give anything to anyone who shows no kind of thankfullness.

I am wondering if the Lord feels that way about me? Hum....? Could be I have not been grateful enough in my life to HIM who has given me so much.

Each morning when I greet the Lord I am careful to ask for nothign but to priase him for the good nights rest, a roof over my head and food on the table and all the generous blessings HE gives me each and evey day.

It is important to never forget to say "thank you Lord" as He has done so much for us; we just take it for granted, I am afraid.

While I registered my complaint of my fellow man, the Lord has shown me I also must be quick to say thank you to HIM.

God is good to remind me of this.

To all of you who may read this little post today .............remember, I thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts. God bless.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

This is my granddaughter Vanessa. She was baptized on this day and that is the reason she is so happy. On Wednesday of Feb 6th of 2008 she recieved the Holy Spirit and the next Sunday she was baptized. It was a great day for her and for all her family.

She is 7 years old (going on 15) and is a wonderful girl. She is loved by those who know her.

Congratulations to Vanessa.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A lot of candles!

My husband Philip is seen in the picture trying to blow out his candles. All the grandkids are helping him as there were sooooooo many.
He is now offficially 67 years old. He has earned all the white hair on his head; believe me.
We almost started a fire with so many candles. :)

Having the children around always makes for a jolly celebration as they think everything is wonderful! If I had known that grandchildren could be so wonderful, I think we would have had them first instead of the children we had. (just joking)
It is good to be alive today and good to celebrate with a man I have lived with for over 46 years. Maybe I have been responsible for some of those while hairs on his head. No doubt about that.
God is good and now I must go to bed. Once more it is past the witching hour and I am still up. Good night to all.