I have been Christmas shopping today. There are only about 13 days left in which to do any shopping for loved ones. I needed to get "out there" and get it done. Why is shopping in the crowds such an ordeal for me? I confess I do not like to shop. It could be I am just lazy or maybe just like putting it off till the very last moment.
I promised myself that I would not do that. I would not put it off. Thank God for the internet and how easy it is to do shopping from the comfort of my home. I just point and clink and soon the truck is delivering something I choose at my door! What could be better thatn that? I am not sure, because it sure beats the crowds.
Saying "Merry Christmas" to the people who wait on me in the stores is becoming quite the contravarsy. Most clerks will not say "Merry Christmas" in return. They may say Happy Holidays, but no Merry Christmas. What strength! What caracter! Seems those who do not believe in the reason for Christmas are offended at the words Merry Christmas. It is so silly. I am offended at those who will not say "Merry Christmas"
If I tolerate you then you should tolerate me!
To all those who read my blog just know that I am wishing you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year with all the biggest blesssings you can possibly receive. Now, lets go have some hot chocolate and a good piece of homemade of fruitcake. Made it myself and it is very good.
Love to all,